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A Letter from Our Founder, Aria


I began my journey in the nonprofit industry when I was twelve years old. I started out writing content for a humanitarian aid organization. The everyday problem solving and loving community inspired me to stay in philanthropy. I love it. I found a passion in working with communities dedicated towards positive development. 


As I worked through the obstacles of partnership development, failing program creation, yadda yadda yadaa, I found relentless love with the work I was doing. I met new people everyday. I heard their journeys and their whys. I built community around our collective want to improve the world.


Despite these positives I also experienced the never-ending negatives. People spreading so thin. Programs running out of money faster than you can say "I speak for the trees!" Stakeholders and board members losing their interest in the mission. 


It often seems endless. 


LUNEAERA is the love child of my refusal to let things be and desire to shift the framing of impact missions in philanthropy. My tool-kit of interdisciplinary skills has allowed me to unconventionally problem solve across a multitude of industries. Not to mention, as a Gen Z'er, I'm invested in making philanthropy the premier industry to work in. What sets aside my work from other consultants is my Gen Z perspective and connection to the next generation entering the workforce. 


What I learned in my first nonprofit role laid the foundation for my deep respect and passion for anyone dedicated to improving the world. I hope to continue exploring this mighty community and collaborate with those who are also hopeful for a more regenerative and sustainable future.


I'm excited to develop these endless opportunities with you. 


Talk soon, and with much love,


founder aria ma

Serving with more than seven years experience, Aria is a rising star in the nonprofit impact consulting community. Her expertise integrates strategy development, funding pipelines, and human capital function to drive meaningful impact and set the bar higher for ourselves and our communities.

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​Aria brings a unique flair to her work by adding bad puns and a Gen Z touch, succinctly aligned with the next generation entering the philanthropic workforce. She is on a mission to revolutionize the culture of philanthropy, transforming it from painstaking, low-paying work into an intensely rewarding and spirit-fulfilling career. Aria possess a unique skill set poised to shape a more sustainable future through a multidisciplinary lens. Her diverse background encompasses administrative organization, project management, communications, fundraising, infrastructure development, and thought leadership. With this arsenal of expertise, she brings a fresh perspective and innovative approach to any endeavor she undertakes, leaving an indelible mark on the organizations and projects she engage with.​

intern sheila chau

Sheila Chau is an experienced researcher and content creator with a background in editorial writing, project management, and academic research. With a degree in English and Anthropology, she combines a strong analytical approach with a passion for storytelling, which she is excited to share with LUNEAERA. In her free time, she enjoys journaling, playing with her two cats, and painting. 

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